Your information will be held by The Office

How we use your information

We need personal information from you in order to assist in either providing, or directing, you to the best source of information which will assist you in setting up your business or developing your business.  This includes what you tell us about yourself and what we learn from you when we meet with you – the choices and decisions that are made and any information given to you which will assist with your business.  This notice explains how we do this and tells you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.


Our Privacy Promise

We promise:-


To keep any data safe and private

Never to sell your data

Not to share your data with any 3rd party unless with agreement from you


Data Protection

We are committed to protecting your personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).


How the Law Protects You

As well as the Privacy Promise your data is protected by law –


The Data Protection law says we can use personal information only if we have a genuine reason to do so –

To fulfil a contract we have with you or

It is our legal duty or

When you consent to do so


Why we need personal data

To advise you on what the best way forward for your business is

To develop a website or plan of action

To identify additional training suitable for your business

To provide you with the best services we can and any additional services

To assist us, to assist you, by providing a trustworthy, confidential service which meets your needs in whatever way best suited to you i.e. your business


Who we share your personal information with

We may share your information with:-

Any party involved in the development of any of our I.T. services

Accredited individuals who we use to provide our services and existing staff

To comply with any statutory/legal requirements


Personal Information

Name, address, contact details (including emails), information relevant to business.




We may, from time to time, use your personal data to inform you of opportunities which may be of interest to you and your business.  We will only contact you if we have your agreement to do so.


How long do we keep information

We will keep your personal information for as long as you are a client of The Office and/or the time specified by which you have participated in.


How to get a copy of your personal information

You can access your personal information by writing to us and requesting the same –


The Office

81-83 Main Street


Co. Antrim



In accordance with GDPR, you have a right to access any personal data that we hold concerning you, You have a right to ask that your data be rectified where it is inaccurate, incomplete or not up to date or to your satisfaction.  In certain circumstances you have the right to ask for the erasure of your personal date, to restrict the processing of your data, and to portability of your data.  In view of our legal responsibility to retain the data as part of this engagement, we cannot comply with most requests that the date be erased or transferred before the end of the retention period or that we should cease processing the date in accordance with the terms of our engagement but we will meet and discuss this with you if this arises.